Sea therapy
Since ancient times well known healing of the sea, algae and seaweed, sea salt, sea mud and even special fresh air on the coast is today popularly called Thalassotherapy. The name comes from Greek words thalassa (= the sea) and therapia (= healing). Those words did dr. Jaques de la Bonnardière put together around 1860. in one word „thalassoterapie” = healing with the sea. Traditionally, it was therapy for persons who had joint problems and injuries, until later, when humans discovered other positive effects of the sea like stress relief, stimulation of metabolism, weight loss, treatment of skin diseases and the resolution of various other health problems. The principle of such therapy is based on repeating the procedure to achieve the desired effect. Although the ancient Romans had habit of bathing in spas and sea water, the modern meaning of thalassotherapy was based in France, which still has the best thalassotherapy today.
Thalassotherapy centers and spas are located on the coast or near the seaside and have rich offerings of diverse treatments and pools of different sizes filled with sea water of different temperatures. Sea water used for treatment purposes is taken from the sea depths (about 12 m) to avoid the surface layer of the sea and also to be sufficiently distant from the shore.
Today are benefits of the sea used in treatments of psoriasis, respiratory diseases, certain gynecological problems, tooth and mouth disease, skin cancer, diarrhea, acne and other problems. The benefits of the thalassotherapy have been documented by numerous lab tests and confirmed by rigorous empirical researches.